There are about 3 instructors and 12 students and 2 drop out. The 2 who gave up after three month of being in the school were working in some organizations.
In conversation with Mrs. Sara Mary, the student at the building section, age of 34 told me her story of joining the building section. She is working with the ADRA organization with the background of tailoring. When she was recruited by this NGO, she thought of up-grading her course but then she was having a plan to build her own house. She asked the project manager to allow her to take the course in building section so that she can have some skills in building. That will allow her to build her own house without spending much on the workers and she was granted the scholarship to join M.T.C. It was amazing listening to that old woman with a firm attitude towards achieving her goals/skills in building.
In my mind, building section is ignored by many students even during the recruitment. Most of them desire to join carpentry, electrical or auto-mechanic but building is second hand option. The concept most of the student have on building is that a person will always be dirty/muddy. The attitude towards this section has to be conscientize to many students not to take it as second hand option but acquiring knowledge and skills is crucial. It is not a matter of competition but knowledge and skills for the development of the nation and man power with skills in different vocational skills.
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