The facilitator of the training divided the trainers/participants into three learning groups. The most experiential moment the facilitator had was when the trainers/participants asked the differece between TEACHING METHODOLOGY & VOCATIONAL PEDAGOGY?
Before the facilitator could explain or differentiate the terminologies, the group were asked to be in groups to answer the above mentioned question. The following reports are from the three learning groups on the different between the two concepts
1. Teaching methodology(pedagogy) is the way an instructor/teacher:
a) Present himself before the students in the classroom
b)Present his teaching materials/Aid during the lesson
c)Language he/she uses in the classroom when teaching
d)Extra curricula activities among others
Teaching Methodology is all about teaching in the classroom or what some instructors/teachers called lesson plan.
On the other hand, Vocational Pedagogy is all about learning process/life long learning or experiential learning. It is the facilitation of learning process where each of us takes the responsibility of learning in a democratic environment. Although it too us some time to understand the difference between the two concepts, the participants understood the meaning behind the two concepts. However, the facilitator asked the trainers once again in their learning group the most valuable question (the umbrella of the training): How can I improve my Own Teaching Practice? This was for group discussion and the facilitator is waiting for the group report.
Thanks once again and wait for more........................
Paul T.K