Introductiory Part of the Training
Don Bosco Vocational Training Center is Manage by Salesians of Don Bosco, an International Agency providing youth services specially through vocational/technical training.
On the other hand, Wau Vocational Training Centre, which is a GOSS institution, is being rehabilitated to support Youth Entrepreneurship Development through vocational skills training. UNIDO is currently supporting the establishment of the Wau Vocational Training Centre including equipping and staffing in order to start training programmes as early as September 2009.
The Traing will be for four (4) days at Wau VTC compound, facilitated by John Paul Akec from Malakal and Paul Tartisio Kenyi from Wau.
The objectives of the Training for the instructors is:
1. To develop and refresh teaching Methodology skills (Student Centered rather than teacher's centered) and that includes the following subjects:
a) Practical and theoretical lesson planning and implementation
b) Monitoring, Evaluating and Reporting
c)Basic teaching practice
d)Extra curricula activities
e) Admission process and selection criteria
f)Management skills both the workshops and students/trainees
g)Use of tools and machineries, Maintenance and workshop safety
h)Curricula implementation and technical upgrading.
The trainers/participants were divided into Three (3) learning groups and the session are divided into three parts: from 9:00am to 10:30am first session; 11:00am to 1:00pm second session; 2:00pm to 3:30pm third session and 4:00pm to 5:00pm personal work and log writing.
This is how the training was organize and I hope to share more on the remaining days of the workshop with you all.
Paul T.K
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