Thursday, 19 February 2009


At the beginning of the workshop in day three, Trond Smistad gave an introductory part of the day and asked the group to brain storm on what we/they have learnt on yesterday’s participation. During the discussion there was a diagram on what is done, learn and smart to do.

What was done yesterday according to the workshop members was:• Brain storming,
• System thinking
• Planning before action

What they have learnt was:• The rules to chose the topic
• The influence of the environment
• Time frame and goals responsibility
• How to face challenges.

However, what is smart to do was: all group should have the same topic to brain storm around, knowledge about the topic is required for the participants. The question that the group were asked to discuss was, how to facilitate learning for the new generation?

When writing documentation, there is a need to find information to support your improvement. The question that we need to understand more on this where to get the information to support your documentation:
• Internet
• Library
• Other human beings
• Museums
• Training centers
• The community around us
• Models and practitioners

All these are the sources that we can get information to support our writings or research. Beside that, there is another question that we need to consider and it is how to identify useful information to back-up the findings you have?
• Define what we are looking for
• Since we have define what we are looking for, which suitable method is enabling us to get hold of information

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