Thursday, 19 February 2009


One of the group giving the report of the group

Day Two of the Workshop:
17th – Feb. – 2009
Time: 9:00 am

The seminar started at 9:00 am with an introductory part both of yesterday and the second day. The discussion was initiated among the learning group before the individual sharing. The groups were asked to identify three points from yesterday’s discussion after which will be share in the group.

They gave their report on what they have learned from yesterday’s session and the three points are:

Group 1
• Documentation
• Group discussion
• Communication model

In group 2 they outline their points as:

•Relationship between trainers
• How to open the blogs and communicate with others
• Participatory learning

In group 3 was the following:
• Self assessment
• Personal logs
• Methods of learning in group
• How to activate the students to learn.

In group 4
•They have learn how to develop interest in learning and the rest are already mention

The dialogue we had in the session was really helpful and has enriched each of us. The purpose of our documentation is actually to share knowledge, receive feedback and reflect upon the respond from us. The sharing of knowledge enables people to learn more through my work because we are like building a system of education together.

The Challenges
What do I want to develop in my practice?
The concept behind this seminar is building a pedagogical method for knowledge development of the teacher’s education.

Brain Storm
There was an open question about the meaning of brain storm. Many came with different understanding. It has to do with specific subject and open discussion. Another concept is one person talk at a time, discussion within the subject. The one who controls always have a lot of challenges.
However, this brain storming, there was a question of how can I improve my teaching methods? The groups were asked to go for discussion and come up with some of those challenges.

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