Mr. Mark Zanganbeyo, the under-secretary, Ministry of labor (GOSS) and Ms. Hellen Achiro, the D/G for Ministry of labor/public service on the opening day of the Exhibition
The ceremony started at 11:30 am at the Multi-training service center compound. Mr. Ben, assistant of the deputy director and in charge of 4 sections among which carpentry, building, plumbing and electrical department was the master of ceremony. He welcome all those invited guest, including the under-secretary of the ministry of labor and the director general of public service, and many other dignitaries, NGOs.
The main objective of this function is to inform the citizens and the supporting NGOs that life skill is important for capacity building, man power, development and construction of the country like Sudan, particularly Southern Sudan. The idea is to manifest to the public the training which the students received during the course of the year or two years and their creativity.
The director general for public service, Goss Mrs. Helen Achiro, outline in her speech about the importance of vocational education and acquiring life long skills. Without life skills in a country like Sudan or South Sudan development will be limited because craftsmen are the people actually constructing the country. Although most of the people in Southern Sudan are qualified academically, they lack vocational skills and that is why today the country is running short of such manpower. The advice and the emphasis she gave was to the instructors/NGOs to impart a life long skills to the people of Southern Sudan for construction and development of this nation.The under-secretary of MOL, Goss, Mr. Mark Zangabayo encourages the instructors at the V.T.Cs to learn more skills for themselves as well as imparting the same skills to the students. The undersecretary expresses the concern on the less concern given to vocational education; we need to acquire vocational skills despite the academic qualification. He outlined that in 1982 after the SPLA I, there were no people with skills to construct the country, hence the government thought it wise to open vocational training centers for training people to acquire knowledge and skills for development of Southern Sudan.
It is the same today after CPA in our country we need to construct and develop our country both in buildings, manpower and craftsmen.
He then opened the exhibition of various training that the students receive from many NGOs and other governmental stakeholders.
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