Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Education as the kernel concept for development

Education as the kernel concept for development

In my mind, education is the basis for the economic, political and social development. Investment in education is always associated with successful economic and human resource development. Hence, it is always linked to a better income and productivity and improvement of life standard. For example, if the government invests in educating women in programs like, women promotion, life skills then the concept of gender may not be question but if we considered women always as subservient of men and categorize them as mothers and family care takers then the development of the stat in terms of education and gender issue will always raise concern.

Actually, to me, education is one the key idea for development and minimizing the foreign aid that is making most of the African countries, corrupt. The upgrade of the literacy skills that most Sudanese has can help the country to develop. Providing workers/craftsman in the country with technical knowledge related to their occupations or field of specialization can improve the quality and quantity of their production as well as development local communities. Developing a positive attitude towards the targeted group, for instance, women promotion, teacher education to mention few can enable them to be productive citizens.
By Paul Tartisio Kenyi

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